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  2. Check
  3. Complete

After submission, your admission QR code will be automatically generated and sent to your email.
Please be sure to provide a valid email address where you can receive emails.


Please fill in all fields marked with 'Must'. 請填寫所有帶Must標識的選項。



If you are not affiliated with a company, please write "Individual".

  • Please indicate your FULL postal address including block number, street, city, state/province, and zip code.

Country code
Phone number

  • Please be sure to provide a valid email address where you can receive an email with an entry code.


  • Please confirm your E-mail by entering it again below for accuracy.


-All registrants will be put on our mailing list to receive information on exhibitions, conferences organised or co-organised by RX Japan Ltd. and related services. If you don't want to be listed, please tick the box →

-Please note that your company name, division, and position, but not your name, may be included in the pre-registered visitors list that appears in materials available to exhibitors and potential exhibitors such as the post-show report. If you don't want to be listed, please tick the box →

-We are taking the utmost care with personal information. Please click here to see our company policy.
Please agree with the policy and complete your registration.

*Regarding Visa Requirements

IJT Show Management regrets to announce that it is not possible to provide Visa Support for visitors. All visa requests from visitors will be denied.
For more information regarding visa application to enter Japan, please access "A Guide to Japanese Visas" at : http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/


IJT 展會主辦方遺憾地聲明,主辦方概不提供簽證支持服務。拒絕承接所有簽證業務。

更多信息請訪問日本簽證指南: http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/